Welcome to Curran Aluminium
Manufacturers and Installers of Commercial Aluminium Window, Door & Curtain Walling Systems, Fire Rated Systems, Structural Glazing, Roof Glazing, Automatic/Revolving doors, Canopies and Brise Soleil for Commercial and Industrial clients

Our Manufacturing Facility in Limerick has a wide variety of the newest technologies, modern production equipment and plant, which enables us to produce massive quantities of high quality bespoke architectural glazing solutions, all in-house. We have the resources and capacity to manufacture and install glazing systems of various sizes and complexities

Aluminium Windows & Doors
Commercial Aluminium Windows and Doors

Structural Glazing
Commercial Structural Glazing

Aluminium Curtain Walling
Commercial Curtain Walling/Façade Systems

Roof Glazing/Rooflights
Commercial Roof Glazing & Aluminium Rooflights

Fire Rated Systems
Fire rated Window, Door & Curtain walling Systems

Canopies/ Brise Soleil
Commercial Canopies/ Brise Soleil